Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Settings in films

There are a variety of settings in films and they usually divided by their genres. Some genres have certain requirements depending on the budget, for example an action film needs a quiet location as an area where it is busy would be expensive to film in.

Thriller- This is a genre that does not demand an elaborate setting, the setting can vary from, an apartment block to the English countryside. Most shots are inside buildings and if they are outside they do not require a huge amount of funding to film there as it wouldn't be a large scale action scene that you would see in The Avengers. Dead Mans Shoes is a British thriller that is entirely filmed in a village in the countryside, a large majority is filmed inside and this helps to keep the cost down and make filming easier. This also decreases the need to edit out unwanted noises such as ambulance sirens.

Action- Action films concentrate on having an expensive, well known and easily recognizable areas. An example of this is Trafalgar Square in The Sweeney. They use this because it shows the scale and importance of the battle, it helps to symbolize what would be lost if the good overcome the bad in the film. Additionally people enjoy seeing a location they recognise and be related to. There are no action films that all of the shots are inside and require some outdoor shots, these shot could be on the low budget side, where the shots are taken in a unique location but may not be very well known.

Horror- Horror films generally spend the least amount of money on the setting out of the 3 genres. There are an endless amount of films that use an isolated area such as a cabin, as a film set. This is because there is usually no background noise and it can be cheap to rent out a cabin for a certain amount of time when compared to a street or building in a city. They must have some kind of isolation for the film to work and have an effect on its audience.

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